Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses

RGP Lenses

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP), also known as gas permeable or hard contact lenses, are not as widely used as they once were, with soft contact lenses now being the primary choice for spectacle-free vision correction.

However, many individuals continue to wear RGP lenses, especially if they are long-term users or have been prescribed them by a hospital. RGP lenses can also be an excellent solution for vision correction, particularly for those with higher prescriptions or certain corneal conditions.

At Parker Opticians, we offer comprehensive check-ups for RGP lenses and are highly trained to address any complications. RGP fitting and check-ups may be becoming a rare skill, but at Parker Opticians, we maintain our expertise in all aspects of eye care to ensure every patient receives the service they need. We already care for many patients who visit us regularly for their gas-permeable lenses.

To book an appointment for an RGP contact lens assessment, call us on 01773 825614.